Exam: FSEC HERS Performance Blower Door Retake, 2018-08-31

This practical exam is for the student who is either retesting to pass the FSEC practical blower door exam or challenging it in order to be accepted into the FSEC Providership. Student will perform both a multi-point test and a

Exam: Energy Star V.3 Retake, 2018-08-31

This test is a make-up only exam for Energy Star Version 3.0. You must have already taken the training and failed the exam in order to sign up for this test.Learn More.

Exam: Combustion Performance Exam Retake, 2018-08-31

FSEC requires a combustion performance exam in addition to the RESNET combustion safety requirements. This exam is for the student who has taken the RESNET Combustion Training through FSEC and who has not passed. Exam performed in training center modules.Learn