Florida Solar Standards

Photovoltaic panels close up with blue sky in background, photo.
Florida Solar Standards are designed to meet the intent of legislation while also helping the Florida solar industry to develop quality products, aiding building departments in product approval, and instilling confidence in the consumer who chooses to use solar energy in their residence or business.

In accordance with Florida Law (§377.705, F.S.), the Florida Solar Energy Center® is charged to “develop and promulgate standards for solar energy systems manufactured or sold in the state based on the best currently available information….” and “establish criteria for testing performance of solar energy systems….”

The standards developed by FSEC® are incorporated by reference in rules (Rules 6C7-8.006 through 6C7-8.010) that are published in the Florida Administrative Code. The rules may be viewed at the Florida Administrative Code Website or in this 6C7-8 rule document. The following is a list of certification and testing standards maintained by the Florida Solar Energy Center®:

Operation of the Solar Thermal Collector Certification Program
FSEC Standard 101-15

Test Methods & Minimum Stds. for Certifying Solar Thermal Collectors
FSEC Standard 102-10

Operation of the Solar Thermal Systems Certification Program
FSEC Standard 103-10

Florida System Stds. for Design & Installation of Solar Thermal Systems
FSEC Standard 104-10

Solar Thermal System and Components Test Protocol
FSEC Standard 105-10

Operation of Photovoltaic Module Performance Certification Program
FSEC Standard 201-10

Operation of Photovoltaic Equipment Certification Program
FSEC Standard 202-10

Photovoltaic System Design Review and Approval Procedures
FSEC Standard 203-17