FSEC Celebrates 50 Years In 2025

FSEC 1975-2025 50th anniversary logoThe Florida Solar Energy Center®, FSEC®, celebrates 50 Years in 2025.

FSEC is the state’s premier energy research institution, established at the University of Central Florida by the Florida Legislature in 1975 to advance research, development and education in solar energy.

FSEC will celebrate at events throughout the year, which will continually be listed here.

Upcoming Events

Date Event
2/10/2025 Gala & Kick-off Fundraiser at FSEC
4/26/2025 EnergyWhiz
6/6/2025 50th Celebration

Historical Events

On January 13, 1975, the Board of Governors of the Florida State University System voted to establish the Florida Solar Energy Center at the University of Central Florida (previously named Florida Technological University).

Except from 1975 Minutes. Solar Energy Site Approved. Mr. Gardener reported that the Program and Communications Committee recommended that the Florida Technological University Cape Canaveral Resident Center be designated as the site for the Florida Solar Energy Center and that a plan for administration proposed by the Board Staff be approved in principle. He said the organizational structure of the center is modeled after that of the State University System Institute of Oceanography, which coordinates oceanographic research activities for all nine state universities. He said Florida Technological University will provide logistical support for the center in the same way the University of South Florida provides logistical support for the State University System Institute of Oceanography facility at St. Petersburg. Mr. Gardener report that Brevard County, under the Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) had pledged up to $270,000 to be used for staff positions at the center, in accordance with CETA guidelines. Additionally, he said there is approximately $624,000 of ongoing solar research in the area, and there is an excellent possibility of attracting substantial additional federal support for the center.

On July 01, 1975, $1 million of initial funding approved by the Florida Legislature became effective.

book of the history of fsec“30 Years Under the Sun” Book

Learn more about our “30 years Under the Sun—History of the Florida Solar Energy Center” book on our History webpage.


Although energy research programs and projects have changed throughout the years, FSEC’s mission remains the same:

Research and develop energy technologies that enhance Florida’s and the nation’s economy and environment, and to educate the public, students and practitioners on the results of the research.