Hydrogen Consultant Technical Consultant
B.S. Space Technology, FIT
M.S. Systems Management, FIT
Ph.D. Engineering Management, CCU
1955 – Hydraulics and civil engineering, EBASCO, Inc.
1959 – Physicist, US Army ABMA, Redstone and Jupiter space launch vehicles.
1964 – Designer, Saturn I and Saturn V (Apollo) pneumatic ground systems.
1965 – NASA, KSC, Systems engineering for propellants GSE and propellant logistics in support of Mercury, Gemini, Saturn, Delta, Atlas, Centaur, Agena, Titan and Space Shuttle programs. Supported Trident/Poseidon submarine and Air Force downrange activities.
1979 – Office Chief, NASA Propellants and Life Support, KSC/CCAFS.
1987 – Excepted Position, Air Force/NASA Vandenberg AFB, cryogenics, hypergols, gases, lab sampling and analysis and precision cleaning.
1990 – ASA, KSC, Manager, Hydrogen Programs, alternative fuels and the KSC natural gas pipeline project.
1994 – NASA, KSC, Manager, Hydrogen Programs, alternative fuels and the KSC natural gas pipeline project.
Other Activities:
- Board Member, development of the CPIA, Liquid Propellants Manual
- Member, Aerospace Safety Data Institute, Hydrogen Safety manual development
- Founding member; national (NHA), international (IAHE), Canadian (HIC) hydrogen associations, the ISO TC 197 Hydrogen Technologies organization and the International Council on Cooperation and Development of Hydrogen (ICCDH)
- Member, DOE Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel
- Chairman, DOE Hydrogen Safety Panel
- Member FSEC Policy Advisory Board (1993)
- Convenor/expert for several ISO hydrogen working groups
- Member, Advisory Board, American Hydrogen Association
- Senior Associate, Hydrogen Safety Institute, LLC
- Member, NHA/DOE hydrogen codes and standards working groups
- Chairman, Florida Space Coast Clean Cities Coalition
- Since 1994 provided consulting services to DOE, Wyle labs, DCH Technology, Hydrogen Components Inc, Praxair, Air Products, FSEC Hydrogen Program, Gas Technology Institute, General Physics, Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc and Hydrogen 2000 Inc.
- Author, The Freedom Element – Living With Hydrogen