EMPOWER Workplace Charging

empower ev friendly workplaces

The EMPOWER Workplace Charging (WPC) Program is a national alliance with a goal of:

  • Engaging over 2,000 workplaces nationwide
  • Securing pledges from over 650 workplaces committed to increasing access to electric vehicle (EV) charging for their employees
  • Catalyzing the installation of 3,500 EV charging ports at employer sites nationwide
  • Ensuring 40% of the program benefits are focused on underserved communities
  • Providing education and coaching for workplace electrification readiness

With the support of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC®), EMPOWER provides a guided path to the adoption of EV charging for Florida businesses.

Recognition for Participating in EMPOWER

The EMPOWER WPC Program is recognizing employers who pledge to expand access to EV charging for their employees by:

  • Showcasing your business with regional and national recognition on the FSEC® and EMPOWER WPC website
  • Receiving coaching support from your FSEC® EMPOWER team members
  • Providing access to WPC resources
  • Awarding certificates of honor when pledging and completing charging installation

Sign the pledge to get started with your workplace charging coach!

See Who Pledged!

Atom Power logo City of Cape Canaveral logo. Sun, Space and Sea.
City of Orlando Logo City of Satellite Beach logo city of cocoa florida
FPL Logo Miller EV Solutions logo OUC The Reliable One
power pump logo FSEC logo

EV Charging Station Installers

A frequent question asked by those considering offering WPC is, where can I find a qualified EV charging station installer? One resource is the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) that provides training and certification for electricians installing electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

As the Florida EMPOWER Coach, FSEC® has engaged with the following EVSE installation companies that have agreed to help advance adoption of workplace charging.

Atom Power logo core ev logo enviro spark logo
Logo: EVPLUGZ power pump logo Logo: Prime Power Solutions, a division of prime retail services, inc.

Resource Hub

For all your EMPOWER related resources and tools:



For more information, contact your FSEC EMPOWER COACH.