FSEC Advisory Board Meeting
2020, April 16
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Remote Meeting via GoToMeeting
Time | Description | Speaker |
10:00 a.m. | Welcome
Introductions (Roll Call) |
Mike Faas, Chair
(Sherri Shields) |
10:10 a.m. | Approval of November 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes | Mike Faas, Chair |
10:15 a.m. | Board Business
Mike Faas
Jim Fenton |
10:30 a.m. | Status of FSEC Programs [PDF, 3.5 MB] |
Jim Fenton |
10:50 a.m. | Florida Energy Office Report
Florida Legislative Session Report |
Kelley Smith Burk
Louis Rotundo |
11:05 a.m. | Review and Adoption of FSEC Strategic Plan [PDF, 240K] |
Chris Castro & Committee (Bill Grieco, Mike Faas, Tom Lawery, Louis Rotundo, Jennifer Szaro) |
11:55 p.m. | Date and Agenda for Next AB Meeting (TBD) | |
12:00 p.m. | Adjournment |
Meeting Minutes
Paul Allen, John Anderson, Mike Faas, Peter DeNapoli, Louis Rotundo, Kelley Smith Burk, Chris Castro, Elizabeth Klonoff, Bill Grieco, Peter DeNapoli, Thomas Lawery, Debra Reinhart, Roger Messenger, Jill Dvareckas, Debra Reinhart, David Robau, Michael Hess
Invited Guests
Paul Zombo, Siemens; Larry Dencker, Universal Orlando
FSEC/UCF Staff & Faculty
Karen Fenaughty, Jim Fenton, Colleen Kettles, Susan Schleith, Winston Schoenfeld, Sherri Shields, John Sherwin, Safvat Kalaghchy, Eric Martin, Danny Parker, Richard Raustad, Robin Vieira, Joe Walters, Janet Owens, Chuck Withers, David Chasar, Susan Schroen, Kevin Schleith, Philip Fairey, Doug Kettles, Hubert Seigneur, Carlos Colon, Kris Davis
- Mike Faas, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:01am and thanked everyone for attending the virtual meeting. Sherri Shields proceeded with a virtual roll call by asking everyone to respond when she calls their name by answering with their name, title and affiliation.
- Mike Faas asked that the minutes from November 18, 2019 meeting be approved. The meeting minutes had been previously forwarded to everyone from Dr. Fenton by email. No one suggested that any changes were necessary and Mike Faas moved to approve the minutes. John Anderson seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. Approved minutes will be available on the FSEC website.
- Mike Faas moved forward with discussion to elect the new vice chair of the committee. By-laws direct the current vice chair moves to the position of committee chair with the election of a new vice chair. William ‘Bill’ Grieco had been previously recommended, and with no objections by the committee, was unanimously voted to the position of vice chair of the FSEC Advisory Board committee. Chris Castro as Chariman and Bill Grieco as vice chair will start their two-year terms after this meeting.
- Presentation by James Fenton about FSEC programs; current programs, new contracts and submitted pending proposals/contracts. Several collaborative partnerships that work with FSEC were also reviewed.
- Florida Energy Office Report – Kelley Smith Burk: Several items from the legislative session that impacted the Florida Energy Office:
- Maximizing SunSmart Schools Program
- USDOE Solar Technologies grant program – Concept paper was submitted and should hear back by April 20th.
- Transportation Roadmap: A grant was signed last month with Doug Kettles and the Central Florida Green Cities Coalition to develop a roadmap by the end of this year. The roadmap will look at the analysis of recommended emergency evacuation routes and recommendations of infrastructure, installation, and growth by calendar year 2021 to 2023 to forecast infrastructure requirements for 2021 through 2029. Recommendations will be made for EV infrastructure, emergency, power and resiliency, as well as catalog best practices for the planning of infrastructure. There is a webinar on April 28th at 10 to 11 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please let either Kelley Smith Burk or Doug Kettles know and they’ll make sure to get you the information.
- At the Florida Climate Summit in October, the Commissioner announced the Florida Advisory Council on Climate and Energy. The members were announced in February or March. On March 20th, the first phone call took place, which is more of an introduction phone call. There will be a more robust meeting in May, which may happen virtually. If anyone is interested in participating, please let Kelley Smith Burk know, and she will add you to the e-mail distribution list. Meeting dates will be posted on the website along with minutes and the makeup of the committee.
- House passed a bill to move the Florida Energy Office to the Department of Environmental Protection, The Senate did not pick that up, so for this year, the Florida Energy Office will remain in the Department of Agriculture.
- House Bill 11.93 removed representatives of the Office of Energy from the Florida Building Commission, as well as a few other positions like the Green Building industry, a representative from Public education, a representative from Department of Financial Services, but it did add the new Chief Resilience Officer to the Building Commission. That will take effect January 1, 2021.
- Senate resolution 15.72 on climate change, which shows Legislature support for the adoption of policies that will prepare the state for environmental and economic impact of climate change, sea level rise, and flooding. It also recognizes the important role that resiliency and infrastructure will play in fortifying the cost to the state. That resolution passed in this legislative session.
- Senate Bill 17.18, which is an essential bill for infrastructure, looks at requiring DOT coordination with the Public Service Commission to develop a recommended plan for EV infrastructure, along the state highway system.
- Florida Legislative Session Report – Louis Rotundo: Most all of the solar bills died this year. Louis thinks the solar and education bill that was introduced by Representative Webb will come back around. Louis anticipates the Florida budget will need to be adjusted due to the coronavirus.
- Review and Adoption of FSEC Strategic Plan – Chris Castro & Bill Grieco. Bill Grieco discussed, as a result of the last advisory board meeting, the need to create a task force to address the concerns from the committee members to strengthen the strategic plan.
- The Task Force, including Chris Castro, Mike Faas, Bill Grieco, Tom Lawery, Louis Rotundo, and Jennifer Szaro, met with the FSEC executive team multiple times to review and update the plan. Chris Castro reviewed the new plan going through each of the six goals indicating where the concerns had been addressed and updated. Mike Faas requested a motion to approve; Louis Rotundo made the motion, and Roger Messenger seconded it. Then each advisory board member present at the virtual meeting was called upon to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ The vote was unanimous to approve FSEC’s Strategic Plan, some even enthusiastically voted yes.
- Sherri Shields indicated that it was Mike Faas’ last meeting as Chair, and thanked him for his leadership during his term. Chris Castro also acknowledged his great leadership and getting the Strategic Plan ready for implementation during Chris’ upcoming term as Chair. Next meeting date would be determined for either October or November of this year. Chris Castro motioned to adjourn the meeting; Bill Grieco seconded the motion, with no opposition. The meeting adjourned at 11:55am.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Faas
Chair, FSEC Advisory Board